Full Details of Grid Follower competition
What is Grid Follower?
J Design and
construct an autonomous robot which is capable of traversing the maze by
principles of line following and completing the given task.
Reach a sequence of destined coordinates within the grid by
avoiding the nodes and taking the bridges and then returning to the starting
General Specification of a Grid Follower:-J
1. The dimensions
of the robot should not exceed 20 cm (length) by 20 cm (height) with a tolerance
of 10 percent.
2. The weight of
the robot should not exceed 3 kilograms.
3. Voltage between
any two points on the robot should not exceed 12 Volts with a tolerance of 10
General Grid Follower Arena:-J
Note:- here we are showing a General Arena Filed, actual will
be differ.
1. The competition
platform has been designed with white lines on a black surface.
2. The arena is in
the form of a maze which consists of a 5 x 5 squares grid with white lines
representing the path on a black surface. The lines will be equally spaced.
Each cell of the grid will be a square with inner dimensions 270 mm x 270 mm.
The thickness of each white line is 30 mm.
3. There are nodes
and bridges on the arena.
a. Nodes will be present at the intersection of 2 white lines.The
node will be of the size of 30 mm x 30 mm and will be black in colour. Please
note that the nodes will NOT be present at all the intersection points.
b. The bridge will be joining the centers of 2 adjacent sides
of a square. The bridge will be of thickness 30 mm and will be white in colour.
4. There will be no
nodes on the Check Line.
5. At the start of
each run, the machine must be placed at the start zone within a horizontal
square of 240 mm x 240 mm (Starting Point).
6. The dimensions
of the arena would be accurate to within 5% or 20 mm, whichever is less.
Assembly joints on the arena floor will not involve steps greater than 0.5 mm.
7. Light
conditions at the venue might not be uniform. The entire arena will be set up
indoors in ambient lighting conditions. No complaints regarding the lighting
conditions will be entertained.
8. NOTE – The
orientation of nodes and bridges may not be the same on the day of competition
as shown in the figures below. Actual arena will be revealed on the spot.
Rounds in Grid Follower CompetitionJ
First Round:-
Single Coordinate RoundJ
1 Each team
will be provided a random coordinate on the arena. The coordinate can be
anything in between (0,1) and (5,5), except the nodes, thus making 36 distinct
coordinates. Please refer the arena diagram given below for clarity.
2. No
coordinates will be assigned on the Check Line. For details, refer the game
play rules mentioned later.
3. Nodes
will NOT be assigned as the target coordinate(s).Nodes should be the
coordinates which the robot must avoid.
4. Now,
the robot has to start from the starting point, go to the allotted coordinate,
stop there for some time (minimum 5 seconds), and then find a way back to the
starting point.
5. The
robot must avoid the nodes and take the bridges in order to traverse the maze.
For example, if a team is allotted a coordinate of (3,5), then their robot
should follow the following allotted path:
a. Start at the starting point and
reach (0,0).
b. Then go from (0,0) to (3,5) by
following any path, avoiding nodes and taking bridges, but the robot should not
deviate from the path in any case.
c. Stop at (3,5) for some time,
d. Then find a way back to (0,0) by
following any path, avoiding nodes and taking bridges, but the robot should not
deviate from the path in any case.
e. And finally, reach the starting
point from (0,0).
Second RoundJ
Double Co-ordinate round
1. For this round, two coordinates will be given
to each selected team randomly.
2. The
coordinates can be anything in between (0,1) and (5,5), except the nodes, thus
making 36 distinct coordinates. Please refer the arena diagram given above for
3. No
coordinates will be assigned on the Check Line. For details, refer the game
play rules mentioned later.
4. Nodes
will NOT be assigned as the target coordinate(s). Nodes should be the
coordinates which the robot must avoid.
5. Now,
the robot has to start from the starting point, go to the first coordinate,
stop there for some time, then go to the second coordinate, and then find a way
back to the starting point.
6. The
same arena will be used for both the rounds.
7. For
example, if a team is allotted the coordinates of (2,3) and (4,1), then their
robot should follow the following allotted path:
a. Start at the starting point and
reach (0,0).
b. Then go from (0,0) to (2,3) by
following any path, avoiding nodes and taking bridges, but the robot should not
deviate from the path in any case.
c. Stop at (2,3) for some time,
minimum 5 seconds.
d. Then go from (2,3) to (4,1) by
following any path, avoiding nodes and taking bridges, but the robot should not
deviate from the path in any case.
e. Stop at (4,1) for some time,
minimum 5 seconds.
f. Then go from (4,1) to (0,0) by
following any path, avoiding nodes and taking bridges, but the robot should not
deviate from the path in any case.
g. And finally, reach the starting
point from (0,0).
Basic Rules Grid FollowerJ
1. Coordinates will
be allotted 24 hours before the actual game play. This means that the
coordinates of the first round will be given to the teams a day before the actual
event. After the completion of the first round, the selected teams will be
given the coordinates for the second round, which will be held the next day.
2. For Round-1, one
coordinate will be allotted, whereas for Round-2, two coordinates will be
3. Each team will
be given one/two (depending upon the round) random coordinates (on the arena) a
day before the round.The procedure of giving coordinates will be totally
random. Complaints from the participants regarding this procedure will NOTbe
4. After the teams
get their coordinates, if required, they will have to re-design or modify their
code as per the allotted path. The details of the allotted path are given
5. The allotted
coordinate(s) will NOT be changed under any circumstances. The team has to
accept the given coordinate or stand disqualified.
Disqualifications and Penalties
1. A robot will be
penalised if
a. Any member of the team touches it.
b. Doesn’t detect a node and crosses over it.
c. Leaves the path and goes haywire. However, if the robot
catches up with its path or some other part of the grid on its own, it won’t be
considered as a penalty.
2. Any robot not
confirming to the specifications provided will be instantly disqualified.
3. Any robot that
damages the arena will be disqualified.
4. A member of the
team will be allowed to touch the robot only thrice and have a maximum of two
restarts. After that, the robot will be disqualified.
5. Any team not
present at the allotted time will be disqualified by default.
6. Any team not
ready to accept the allotted coordinate will be disqualified.
7. For each
penalty, 10 seconds will be added to the final time and for each restart, 20
seconds will be added to the final time.
General Judging CriteriaJ
1. The total time (running time + penalties) will be
calculated for each team in both the rounds. After Round-1, based on that, Top
16 teams will be selected for Round-2. The lower the total time, the better it
2. Half of the time
taken by the bot in the first round will be carried over to the next round.
3. In case of a tie, the two teams will be given another
chance to prove their calibre in the same arena, with same/different (it
depends) allotted coordinates.
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