Tuesday 19 November 2013

Create your own (Human)Remote Control Robot

Create your own (Human)Remote Control Robot
Human or wired controlled bot is the one of the basic device of robotic. For an example of wired control robot is kids toy car. Now you can also start your robotic carrier with basic of wired robot.

To begin building your car you first need to decide few things about it.
What kind of steering you want? In this post we will build a differential drive car. A car has five basic things viz. tyres, motor, chassis, axle and remote controller. A chassis can be made of anything which is flat, light, flexible, hard, and easy to cut like Toughened Styrofoam, Acrylic sheet, plastic tray, etc.

 Now we should select our tyres. Tyres should also be light in weight so that they do not put extra load on motors. Tyres can either be made by wood or plastic or could be purchased from market. We would require at least four wheels. You can add more wheels depending upon your car’s dimensions. We can use tyres of any appropriate size. You can even use pram wheels or bicycle’s side wheels. Once you have selected tyres you will need axle to support your tyres. A steel rod or aluminium rod of appropriate diameter can be used. Just take care that the rod fits properly in the tyre and tyre is not slipping over the rod. Now you need to select the most important part of your car i.e. motor. An internal or external geared D.C. motor of 12V. Rating is best available in the market. You can select the speed of motor depending on the track where you will run your car. If you select a motor with high speed then it will provide less torque and if you select a motor with high torque then its speed will cripple. An appropriate range of motor speed is 100-200 RPM. If you plan to run your car in mud, dust or sand then you should prefer an internal gear system to avoid jamming of gears with mud. We would require at least two motors. You can even use four motors if you wish to provide more power to your car. All the motors should be perfectly identical.

Now at second step, you have to collect all the components to get assemble.
Now it’s the time to assemble your car. If you are using two motors on front wheels then make your rare wheels free to rotate with the help of ball-bearing. Assemble one motor on right front wheel and other motor on left front wheel. Mount both the motors and tyres on the chassis with the help of nuts and bolts. Once you assemble your car, check that it is moving freely. If the car is not moving freely then align all the tyres again so that they are free to rotate. So now the mechanical work of our car is complete. Now we have to make it run on electricity and control it via remote control. For this purpose we will use differential drive. Before building a differential drive, you should know how it works.
To change the direction of motor we need to change the polarity of supply. This can be done using H-bridge circuit. An H-Bridge circuit can be made using four SPST (Single Polarity Single Toggle) Switch or one DPDT (Dual Polarity Dual Toggle) Switch or using BJTs (Bi-Polar Junction Transistor). The easiest way is to use DPDT switch but if you wish to use microcontroller, then you will need to create a BJT H-Bridge circuit. Now make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram of the DPDT switch.
For power supply you need Battery (to see list ofBatteries).
Source: Zhagadoo.com

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